Lord of the Rings aanverwante onderwerpen
Lord of the Rings schrijver:
Verwante onderwerpen:
- Peter Jackson
- the Hobbit
The Rings of Power:
- the One Ring
- Elven ringen
- Dwergen ringen
- Mensheid ringen
Lord of the Rings personages:
- Sauron
- Frodo Baggins
- Gandalf
- Aragorn
- Samwise "Sam" Gamgee
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Merriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck
- Peregrin "Pippin" Took
- Boromir
- Gollum
- Bilbo Baggins
- Elrond
- Arwen
- Theoden
- Theodred
- Eomer
- Eowyn
- Galadriel
- Celeborn
- Gil-Galad
- Nazgûl / Ringwraiths
- Faramir
- Denethor II
- Radagast
- Tom Bombadil
- Goldberry
Lord of the Rings locaties:
- Bag End
- The Shire
- Mordor
- Mt Doom
- Isengard
- Rivendell
- Lothlorien
- Moria
- Rohan
- Helm's Deep
- Buckland
- Old Forest
- Dead Marshes
- the White Havens
Lord of the Rings wapens:
- Sting
- Narsil
- Anduril
- Glamdring
- Hadhafang
- Herugrim
Lord of the Rings rassen:
- Hobbits
- Elven
- Dwergen
- Goblins
- Orcs
- Uruk-Hai
Lord of the Rings paarden:
- Shadowfax
- Garulf
- Arod
- Hasufel
- Roheryn
- Breog
- Bill the Pony
- the White Hand
- Alliance of Elves and Men
- Numenor